Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Configuring InfraRED 2.6-rc1 in your java web project

InfraRED is a Java profiler [1].

There is a good post here [2], that compares all different available open source profilers, include infraRED.

There is an installation guide [3], that is last available document for infraRED version 2.4.1-BETA, You could follow that installation guide and check my guide here to see the differences in version 2.6-rc1.
Note: I was not able to find any document for version 2.6-rc1.

Step1: download the infraRED 2.6-rc1 from SourceForge [4].

Step2: preparing the application

1. Include infrared-agent.properties to your WEB-INF/classes directory of your web project.
2. Include infrared jar file to your WEB-INF/lib directory of your web project.

3. Add infraRED application startup listener and filter to your web.xml

Step 3: install web GUI of InfraRED

Find infrared-web-2.6-rc1.war file and copy it to your application server (e.g tomcat/webapps).

Step 4 (optional): customizing application layers using Aspectj
Note: this step worked for me with exact following configuration

1. Add aspectjrt.jar to your project classpath
Note: If you are using Eclipse and Aspectj plugin then right-click in your project -> Configure -> Convert to Aspectj project

2. Create a java class file like this one, WebLayerAspect.java:

  package infraredprofiler;

  import net.sf.infrared.aspects.aj.AbstractApiAspect;
  import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
  import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;

  public class WebLayerAspect extends AbstractApiAspect {
    // Pointcut for all classes and all methods
    @Pointcut(value= "call(* *(..) )")
    public void apiExecution() {}
    public String getLayer() {
      return "Layer_name_e_g_001";

3. Create aop.xml under META-INF directory, by following content:

Sorry this blogger.com it didn't make it easy for me to past XML content!!
It's been a while that I am not happy with blogger.com anymore..
So I start my own blogging software in following address:
and my own example of using this software is available in
Want to know why I am not happy with blogger ? read following page

Oh about aop.xml, just see another aop.xml of InfraRED examples, it should be easy to figure out.

4. Make sure your code compiled with Aspectj compiler (In my case I had aspectj-maven-plugin from org.codehaus.mojo version 1.3).

That's all, you should be able to browse your app and open infraRED GUI and see the statistics.

Note: for some reason adding second layer didn't worked for me, I had only one layer and only one pointcut to work with!

[1] http://infrared.sourceforge.net
[2] sorry I was not able to find that post in Google search engine again! and I am using duckduckgo.com right now! ;-)
[3] http://infrared.sourceforge.net/versions/latest/installation.html
[4] http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=92904